A Legacy of Values

My Family’s Story and a Vision for Port Phillip’s Future from Brendan Perera, aandidate for Alma Ward

My name is Brendan Perera, and I am an Independent (Residents of Port Phillip) RoPP Candidate for Alma Ward – Port Phillip Council. I’d like to share a little-known fact about myself: my family is originally from British Ceylon. Like many immigrant families from across the British Empire, we travelled to Malaya in the mid-1800s seeking a better life. Malaya eventually became Malaysia and Singapore in 1965, and as a result of the post-independence separation, half of my family still lives in Singapore.

In the first picture, the man in the centre is the legendary statesman Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, former Prime Minister of Singapore. The man second from the left is my uncle, Alvin Perera.

The second picture was taken in Singapore this year. On the left is my dad, Lloyd Perera, and on my right is my uncle Alvin.

My family has always been proud to be staunch supporters of Lee Kuan Yew, and to this day, we carry the values he instilled in us: integrity, a belief in meritocracy, and excellence. In his younger days, my dad worked with Lee Kuan Yew’s father, Lee Chin Koon. I share this story because it is important—my political mindset, my values, and my worldview have been deeply shaped by Lee Kuan Yew. This influence becomes evident when I am right; I certainly do not bend with the wind, perhaps a trait of stubbornness instilled in all Malayans. I will always strive to be correct, rather than being politically correct.

Your vote matters. Lee Kuan Yew had a saying: when political parties no longer serve the people, they become irrelevant. Let me assure you, I am not currently a member of any political party and I most certainly not an activist. I intend to serve you, the residents of Port Phillip.

If elected, I will hold the council accountable for their spending, and I will demand they adhere to the highest levels of integrity and efficiency. It may be an unpalatable view to many, but our state has $260 billion in debt and rising, businesses are going bankrupt, crime is increasing, antisemitism is rampant, and people are moving away. We can no longer afford to be complacent. I will govern Port Phillip effectively and equitably.

I would like to add that the City of Port Phillip now has historical and cultural connections to Malaysia, Singapore, and Asia at large—thanks, in large part, to people like you who support candidates like me. I hope to earn your trust, build a more resilient and thriving Port Phillip, and leave it in a much better shape than the one I will inherit.

**Who is Lee Kuan Yew? He is the father of modern-day Singapore and has advised countless U.S. Presidents, European leaders, and Henry Kissinger. Margaret Thatcher would read his speeches during her daily briefings to gain insight into his thinking during her time as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. China today is shaped by his influence. India’s former Foreign Secretary, S. Jaishankar, still speaks of him and his impact on India. Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott once told me he regretted not meeting Lee Kuan Yew in person, though he delivered a heartfelt eulogy in Parliament after his passing.

Authorized by Brendan Perera, P.O.Box 1083, South Melbourne 3205