Have your say before 12 May
“For less than the Government spends annually on the GP, the Park could be fixed for community sport for an entire generation.”
Parks Victoria (PV) has released a long-awaited draft plan for community sports in Albert Park Reserve for public feedback. It recommends works across almost every sports field and pavilion over the next decade.
Hugo Armstrong, Albert Park Sports Clubs Association President, told TWiSK that “[the report] backs up what the local community has been telling PV and the State Government for years – that beyond the blank cheques for the GP, Victoria’s biggest community sports precinct is pitifully underfunded, in poor condition, and unable to meet current and future demand.
“Once the plan is finalised, sports clubs will be lobbying every political party to commit funding. For less than the Government spends annually on the GP, the Park can be fixed for community sport for an entire generation.
“Anyone interested in local sport in Port Phillip should read the draft plan and provide feedback this month”.
Read the report and comment BEFORE 12 May