Counting has been completed, preferences and final results from Friday
Meanwhile … (updated Monday 11 Nov)
UPDATED: Elwood went to the ALP’s Louise Crawford, ahead of Greens’ Lilianna Carranza.
UPDATED: South Melbourne went to RoPP’s Beti Jay ahead of ALP’s Bridget Mullahy
UPDATED: St Kilda is hard to call. Independent Jenni Roper strengthened her lead, followed by high profile Serge Thomann followed by David Blakeley, Robbie Nyaguy and Tim Baxter. The Greens and ALP will be disappointed with their primary votes. Maybe Roper, Thomann or Baxter in a spray of preferences.
UPDATED: Lakeside went to RoPP’s Bryan Mears ahead of Greens Ivy Pierlot.
UPDATED: Alma went to Independent Justin Halliday ahead of Greens Josie Foster.
UPDATED: Albert Park went to RoPP’s Rod Hardy.
UPDATED: Balaclava went to the ALP’s Libby Buckingham ahead of Green’s Rachel Iampolski.
UPDATED: In Port Melbourne, former Mayor Heather Cunsolo has earned a strong popular vote over 42% up against an aggressive anti-corruption candidate Adrian King who got a respectable 25.7%. Greens and other preferences should give this to Heather.
UPDATED Montague is another shock result with sitting councillor and former school principal Peter Martin languishing behind two opponents (who both recommended putting Peter last). If people follow their preferences, Peter will have plenty more time to enjoy local sport.
Counting has concluded and reported below
Most of these elections will be decided by preferences, so we can only guess at this stage. There will be more counting from mid week, followed by preference distribution by Monday 11 November.

Elwood primary votes A & B
Gibson (Ind) 848 15%
Crawford (ALP): 1644 29.14%
De SILVA (PEPP): 1470 26%
Carranza (Greens): 1679 29.76%
All votes counted, preferences will be distributed by 11 November

South Melbourne primary votes A & B
Lewis 1379 30.71%
Jay (RoPP) 1669 37.16%
James (Greens) 1102 24.54%
Mullahy (ALP) 1471 32.75%
All votes counted, preferences will be distributed by 11 November

St Kilda primary votes A & B
Roper (Ind) 1528 26%
Baxter (Greens) 772 13%
Thomann (PEPP) 1316 22%
Blakeley (Ind) 921 15%
Bolger (Socialist) 461 8%
Nyaguy (ALP) 813 14%
All votes counted, preferences will be distributed by 11 November

Lakeside primary votes A & B
Mears (RoPP) 1694 32%
Silcox (PEPP) 443 7%
McDonald (Ind) 1117 22%
Pierlot (Greens) 1168 23%
Moore (ALP) 758 15%
All votes counted, preferences will be distributed by 11 November

Alma primary votes A & B
Gross (Ind ALP) 1022 18%
Halliday (Ind) 1703 30%
Foster (Greens) 1215 21%
Horman (ALP) 605 11%
Perera (RoPP) 1169 20%
All votes counted, preferences will be distributed by 11 November

Albert Park primary votes A & B
Pinder (PEPP) 730 11%
Slattery (Greens) 622 9%
Sherson (Ind) 673 10%
Hardy (RoPP) 2742 41%
Lamb (Ind) 197 3%
Williams 188 3%
Small (Ind) 1523 23%
All votes counted, preferences will be distributed by 11 November

Balaclava primary votes A & B
Iampolski Greens 1711 26%
Wajsbort Ind 802 12%
Kats Ind 421 7%
Webster Ind 250 4%
Di Donna Ind 735 11%
Buckingham ALP 1759 27%
Darton Ind 726 11%
All votes counted, preferences will be distributed by 11 November

Port Melbourne primary votes A & B
WHITFIELD Greens 706 14%
WRIGHT Ind 653 13%
CUNSOLO Ind 2172 42%
KING Ind 1321 25%
All votes counted, preferences will be distributed by 11 November

Montague primary votes A & B
Makin 1466 27%
Martin (ALP) 1384 26%
Schwarze (PEPP) 458 8.50%
Knoff 603 11%
Sahayanathan 1486 27.50%
All votes counted, preferences will be distributed by 11 November
The early count will only reveal first preferences but scrutineers may keep informal tallies of preference flows.
How the count works
After a record high 70% voter turnout during the 2020 COVID election, voting looks set to be lower this year. As of Friday the turnout was 58% but with the last days of voting yet to arrive and be counted. Typically Port Phillip voting rates are less than 50%.
Official results in the Council elections may not be available until Monday 11 November according to a counting plan released by the Port Phillip VEC election manager.
The new councillors will be sworn in and a new mayor elected on Wednesday 14 November.
Early results flow from Tuesday
Counting will be done in three stages starting with ballots received by Friday 25 October (known as Group A), followed by votes that were posted before deadline and allowed one week to arrive (Group B) and lastly the distribution of preferences if required.
The counting stages will be completed ward by ward with preliminary results issued as the stages are completed.
Counting and results schedule
Preliminary results will be available for the Group A votes according to the timetable below:
Tuesday 29 October: Elwood, South Melbourne and St Kilda
Wednesday 30 October: Albert Park, Alma and Lakeside
Thursday 31 October: Balaclava, Montague and Port Melbourne
Counting will continue the following week for Group B ballots:
Wednesday 6 November: Albert Park, Alma, Balaclava, Elwood, Lakeside and Montague
Thursday 7 November: Port Melbourne, South Melbourne and St Kilda
Preference will be then distributed according to this schedule:
Friday 8 November: Albert Park, Alma, Balaclava, Elwood, Lakeside and South Melbourne
Monday 11 November: Montague, Port Melbourne and St Kilda.
Results in close races may not be known until 11 November
Unless a candidate gets 50% (plus one vote) of the votes cast, the result will depend on distribution of preferences. This will not be completed until Monday 11 November
There will be a Special Council Meeting including swearing in of Councillors & election of Mayor on Thursday 14 November
The first scheduled meeting of the new Council will be Wednesday 27 November.