Dutton and Albanese Pledge to Rebuild Synagogue

Dutton then Albanese make pre-election pledges to rebuild after the shocking arson attack last year.

Last Monday, Liberal leader Peter Dutton announced that an elected Dutton Coalition Government will provide up to $35 million to support the rebuilding of the Adass Israel Synagogue.

It took less than 24 hours for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to state that next week’s Federal budget would include $30 million for the restoration of the Synagogue.

Both leaders were firm in their condemnation of the arson attack and antisemitism.

Mr. Dutton stated that the funds will allow the Adass Israel Synagogue to rebuild stronger than ever, with upgraded security to prevent such incidents in the future. “We will rebuild, and rebuild stronger, in the face of this act of criminal hatred and terror.”

PM Albanese declared that there can be no place in Australia for antisemitism. “The firebombing of the Adass Israel Synagogue was a crime of cowardice and prejudice. It was an attempt to threaten and silence the Jewish community. We won’t stand for that.”

The Albanese Labor Government will provide $30 million for the reconstruction of the synagogue, $1.2 million for security upgrades next door, as well as a $250,000 contribution to restore the beautiful secret Torah for the congregation.

Speaking at a press conference with Josh Burns MHR, Benjamin Klein, speaking on behalf of the Adass President Mr. Spiegelman, expressed gratitude to the government for this significant contribution toward rebuilding the shul. “Mr. Burns has been phenomenal, standing with us and supporting us throughout this process, along with Julian Hill, MP from Burke, who has also been exceptional. The Prime Minister has visited us twice. We are very grateful and thankful.”

Links: Liberal statement | Labor statement