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Local Laughs
Fun night in local pub
April 14 – COMEDY FESTIVAL – Nick Quon, Annie Louey, Sam See (SNG), Kiyanosh Sahebi, Tom Stanimeros (UK), Sam See (SNG), Jeromaia Detto, Jemma Bayley + guests

Urzila Carlson
Multi-award-winning South African-New Zealander Urzila Carlson is one of Australia and New Zealand’s biggest comedy stars.
She’s bringing her trademark cheeky wit back to Australian stages in 2025 with the ”You Don’t Say” Tour.

Joel Temperly From Russia With LOLs
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Joel Temperly could tell you From Russia With LOLs is some sort of comedic journey, less comedy show and more an experience yada yada yada…
But it’s pretty much an excuse for him to make fun of his Russian girlfriend’s accent and the stereotypes of her home country (vodka, bears, invading their neighbours), a country in which he lived for a year in 2017.

Noel Miller
Noel Miller is a beloved touring comedian, musician, director, podcaster & digital megastar. Noel’s biting one-liners and topical social commentary have made him a force to be reckoned with in the comedy world with over 8 million supporters across social platforms in 2023.

The Blindboy Podcast Live
The Blindboy Podcast is an award-winning, storytelling podcast in the Irish tradition of the Seanchaí which seamlessly intertwines history, fiction, cultural critique and politics into a relaxing form the creator calls “The podcast hug”.
Described as a “cultural phenomenon” by The New York Times

MICF: The Frog
The Frog is a whimsical, absurdist comedy about unlikely friendships and a life spent working to rest.
Frog is an accountant, content in his misery, who one day catches a juicy delicious Fly on their way home from work. In a bid to escape, Fly offers to help Frog search for a lost family heirloom, and the pair begrudgingly set out on the adventure of a lifetime, surprised by the friendship they find along the way.

Bubba-Licious (MICF show for small kids)
Yes, it’s a show for babies!
A sensory display of colour, sound, light and movement to spark joy and ignite wonder. Incorporating puppetry, clowning, bubbles, shadow play and much more.
Presented in the National’s studio venue.
‘Perfect show for the babies and toddler crowd… we feel the need to shout from the rooftops!‘ ★★★★★ (
‘It’s a lovely bite-size instalment to excite the little ones, just enough to ensure a good afternoon snooze’ ★★★★ (Advertiser, Adelaide).
Winner: Best Kids Show, Adelaide Fringe 2023.

101 Ways to Annoy Your Parents (MICF kids show)
Title says it all! *Evil laugh*.
Don’t worry, it will also teach the parents how to annoy their kids as well.
From multi award-winning kids comedian Matty Grey.
Laugh your guts out of your butthole as he brings the chaos of his mind to the National’s Studio 2.
5-13 Years Old

Guy Montgomery
Now a smash TV show on the ABC, award-winning Kiwi comedian, podcaster and improviser Guy Montgomery is bringing his ‘Guy Mont-Spelling Bee’ back to its roots with a live show.
Sold Out

Guy Montgomery
Award-winning Kiwi comedian, podcaster and improviser Guy Montgomery brings his new stand-up show ‘I’ve Noticed So Many Things, It’d Be Unfair To Keep Them To Myself’ .