Keegan Palmer is no stranger to the St Kilda Skate Park – he helped to launch it in 2013

Former Deputy Mayor Serge Thomann chatted with Keegan last week to congratulate him and reminisce about skating St Kilda.
“After Keegan Palmer’s huge success at the opening of the St Kilda skatepark in 2013 (then aged 9) and several appearances at various competitions including Globe comps and the Vans 50th anniversary series, Keegan was very keen to come back to St Kilda where he had so many good times,’ explained a delighted Serge.
Serge was a keen advocate for the Skate Park from the outset and kept in touch with Keegan and his family since the launch over a decade ago.
“How great that he found a couple of hours to visit us during his 2 days in Melbourne before going back to the States where he lives and will compete again next week.”
Serge Thomann congratulated Keegan for his two gold Olympic medals, earned in Tokyo in 2021 and most recently in Paris.
“Keegan was pleased to be back at the park that means a lot to him and was important in his career,” said Serge.
Watch the video to hear what Keegan had to say