Marcus & Friends TV

Former Mayor Marcus Pearl has been producing social media content observing the election he is not re-contesting. He shares what he a learned from the sidelines.

As I move towards the exit door from my role as a Councillor, I’ve enjoyed sharing a series of programs on social media about the key issues and candidates in this year’s election. Along the way, I’ve observed and learned a few things that I’d like to share.

First, the 2024 election feels very different from 2020. Back then, much of the campaign period was spent in lockdown, and the multi-member ward system made it easier for people to understand the candidates. This time, with changes to ward structures, a larger pool of candidates, and growing dissatisfaction with local government, many voters are looking for more information and debate, but they aren’t getting enough of it. The loss of a local newspaper has only increased the demand for clear, reliable information. There are very few debates or forums with a broad range of candidates that vested interest groups from all sides of the political spectrum don’t stack.

Secondly, this election is packed with “small target” campaigns, those cautious, risk-averse strategies that avoid policy discussions. I believe these need to be replaced with campaigns that offer a real vision for our city. A former Mayor once told me that local government is often seen as a “policy-free zone,” but that has to change. Voters deserve clear, practical ideas to improve our community.

One unexpected observation is the influence of Facebook groups and their admins. As I’ve shared my episodes across these groups, I’ve noticed most are open to all candidates and content. However, the admins of these groups hold more power than many people expect, and that power isn’t always used for the broader good.

I’ve loved producing these shows and engaging with people about the key issues. Our community has many strengths but also plenty of challenges that need serious policy attention. While I openly share that I’m biased as a member of the Liberal Party, I strive to keep the discussions balanced, pushing candidates to express their true views instead of relying on political spin.

Finally, I’ve found it refreshing how cordial political opponents can be outside the council chamber or campaign trail. I’ve even received kind messages from people I once thought (or knew) were working against me.

If you think I’m doing these shows to land a spot on Insiders or Sky News, you’d be 100% right. But in the meantime, I hope people enjoy watching them as much as I enjoy making them. Thank you for the opportunity to share this with you

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