Comment about crime in St Kilda from a Victoria Police spokesperson
“While overall crime in St Kilda is at its lowest level since 2018, we understand that any crime can – and does – have a lasting impact on the victim.
That’s why local police are committed to further reducing offending, particularly in busy areas such as in Acland, Carlisle, and Fitzroy streets.
Local police have been running consistent operations targeting drugs and other crimes such as assaults and robberies on these streets for several years.
This concentrated approach is working – overall crime on Acland, Carlisle and Fitzroy streets has decreased by 33% from a decade ago.
The most serious and violent offences committed have also decreased, with crimes against the person dropping by 18% over the past ten years.
While crime is trending in the right direction, local police always acknowledge more can be done.
That’s why we are regularly meeting with the City of Port Phillip, residents, and traders, ensuring police resources are allocated to the issues creating the most harm.
Crime across Acland, Carlisle and Fitzroy streets has decreased from last year, with 53 less offences – or a 5.6% decrease from 2022-23. This builds on the 33% decrease since 2014-15.
Theft (other) is the most common crime across Acland, Carlisle, and Fitzroy streets. This most commonly relates to a wallet or phone being stolen when the owner puts it down, as opposed to being robbed.
Property damage is the second most common offence.”
Statement provide to TWiSK by Police Media Unit and reproduced in full.