Bridget Mullahy, Labor candidate for South Melbourne Ward, has requested that the VEC explain a crucial error in her candidate statement mailed to all voters last week.
Mullahy contacted TWiSK to raise the error in the public realm.
“I’m very disappointed. I’ve raised the issue with the returning officer of the VEC looking for answers,” she said.
“In my candidate statement on the VEC website (that I approved) it states:
‘Our population is expected to grow by ~30% by 2041′
However in the printed ballot packs that voters have received my candidate statement states:
‘Our population is expected to grow by 0% by 2041.'”
TWiSK will be interested to hear what remedy the VEC proposes to correct this blunder.
Lauren Sherson takes to the tele…
Independent Liberal candidate for Albert Park, Lauren Sherson thinks she one of the first candidates to use paid advertising in streaming TV in a local government election campaign.
From Sunday her TV commercial will be running during Channel 9 Streaming TV programs.
She told TWiSK that technology now allowed streaming ads to be targeted by postcodes.
“No one else has cottoned on to this yet. I will have an ad broadcasting across all Channel Nine streaming TV shows localised by postcode – this didn’t exist last state or council or federal election,” she said.
Here is her TVC – in case you missed it!