
Jackman today, Dax Centre in May
Karen Yvette Clarke is a local visual artist and passionate supporter of mental health research and education

Plastic not so fantastic
Tracy Harvey, Mal Webb and Kylie Morrigan sing up a storm.

Stats back crime fears
Crime data reported by the Victorian Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) indicates that increased crime is not just a perception, it’s a fact.

Election Donation Reporting
TWiSK reports on the campaign donation returns from the recent council election.

Election Donation Reporting: Progressive Port Phillip
Transparency around campaign funding for the 2024 Council Election: Progressive Port Phillip’s election campaign activities and donations

Summer glass and alcohol bans on beaches
Summer rules apply to both glass and alcohol on St Kilda Beaches

Dates set for 2025 St Kilda Festival
Mark the St Kilda Festival 2025 in your calendar

Local heroes get medals in Paris
St Kilda club cyclist Grace Brown won Gold in Paris. While Elwood’s Jemima Montag won Bronze in the 20 km walk. Bravo

Locals shine in Resource Smart Schools Awards
Two local schools have been recognised in sustainable school awards

“St Kilda, My View”
Watch for postcards with the winning images in Acland Street outlets