Events unite Councillors

Antisemitic terrorist attack condemned by Council. Followed by unanimous support for community safety round table

An outpouring of bewilderment, shock and anger about the antisemitic terrorist attack on the local Adass Israel Synagogue set the scene for unanimous support for the synagogue and flowed on to support for wider action on community safety.

Readers may recall that the previous Council meeting heard passionate testimonial from residents about community safety issues, in part related to safety and crime on high streets in St Kilda.

Prior to the synagogue attack, Cr Libby Buckingham submitted a ‘notice of motion’ calling for council to convene a community roundtable with police and other agencies to develop a response to ensure greater community safety.

TWiSK anticipated that the motion would face a variety of responses from the new councillors, especially given that previous attempts to tackle such issues over many decades had prompted heated and at times acrimonious debate. Readers may recall protracted quarrelling about CCTV, toilets, move-on powers, street seating and so on. But on this occasion, ‘events’ overtook the usual differences.

Shadow of dark events

The brazen, insidious and devastating arson attack on the synagogue, just months after the arson attack on the Barkly Street office of Federal MP Josh Burns, drew international, national and local attention to the fundamental need of all citizens to feel safe to go about their lives.

At the first opportunity, the Council voted unequivocally and unanimously to support the Jewish community and back efforts to prevent antisemitism.

Behind the scenes, since the events unfolded on Friday (6 December), councillors (especially local Balaclava Ward Cr Buckingham) and council officers had been on site liaising with the Addas Israel community to respond and recover.

Cr Buckingham spoke at a community get together on the Sunday after the fire. At that event, the resolve of the community to rebuild and recover was palpable and powerful.

Community safety for all

Wednesday’s council meeting opened with the strong resolution about the synagogue attack and support for the Jewish community. After the usual mix of agenda items, including location of public toilets, recycling of Xmas trees and permits for reopening a well-known pub, the meeting then considered the community safety round table motion from Cr Buckingham.

Her opening statement (that she probably prepared before the synagogue blaze) was that Port Phillip is recognised for it’s inclusivity. ‘No person is locked out. Every person deserves to feel safe on the streets and in their home,’ she declared.

She said the right to safety applied to all, including people who maybe homeless or experiencing distress such as mental illness or domestic violence. ‘We do care about every person,’ she concluded.

And the motion was carried unanimously.

Unity for now

For the record, while support was genuine and forthcoming, a variety of councillors expressed qualified support.

Cr Thomann said the issues were complex. “As a new council we can’t [afford] to fail on this.”

Cr Hardy, a serving police officer and former regional councillor, wanted regular updates. “We must not let this get bogged down,” he said.

Cr Halliday warned against ignoring the many underlying issues.

Cr Mears said that that many in the community were fearful. He shared that he had been on the receiving end of an encounter with a chap with a knife. “Now its up to us to actually do something,” he said.

Mayor Crawford, an eight-year veteran of council, said that council had been doing a lot. ‘This resolution is about working together,’ she said.  

Urgent Business – Adass Israel Synagogue
Moved Crs Buckingham/Makin
That Council:
1. Condemns the antisemitic terrorist attack on the Adass Israel Synagogue in Ripponlea on Friday 6 December 2024.
2. Recommits to stand with the Jewish community in Ripponlea and throughout the City of Port Phillip at this difficult time.
3. Condemns the increasing antisemitism being directed at the Jewish community and commits to continue to work with Jewish leaders to prevent and combat antisemitism.
A vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED unanimously.

Notice of Motion – Councillor Buckingham – Community Safety
MOVED Crs Buckingham/Thomann
That Council:
1. Reaffirms its commitment to a safe, liveable and just community.
2. Requests that City of Port Phillip initiate a round table of key stakeholders, incorporating the City of Port Phillip, health, housing, community legal and social service providers, Victoria Police and other relevant stakeholders or recognised expertise to examine the current situation and review place-based models to address community safety issues in our high streets and surrounding areas.
3. Requests that the round table:
a) Provide advice and case studies from other jurisdictions on community outreach models and consider opportunities to ensure best practice in the City of Port Phillip;
b) Provide advice and case studies from other Council jurisdictions on how local laws can be used to provide community safety and protect the amenity of public spaces within the City of Port Phillip. The advice is to include consideration of police protocols and operations with the City of Melbourne and their applicability to the City of Port Phillip;
c) Review the merit and feasibility of establishing an ongoing alliance to continue this work over the next four years.
d) Provide recommendations to Council on the above within the short and longterm.
4. Requests that the Mayor write to the Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police seeking advice and recommendations on local laws in the City of Port Phillip, and a proposal on how any changes to the local laws would be used and work in practice.
5. Notes that officers have commenced work on the update of the City of Port Phillip’s Community Safety plan including opportunities for the public to share their lived experiences in relation to community safety and that Councillors will be updated on this regularly.
 A vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED unanimously.