Ngargee Tree Fire Danger

Fire fighters have been called to the Ngargee Tree twice already this year raising more concerns about the fire danger facing this historic indigenously significant tree.

The most recent fire was last week (Wednesday 5 February) when fire and police attended to a bin fire in the rough sleeper’s camp. This followed a small grass fire in January that was also extinguished by fire crews.

Police at grass fire near Ngargee Tree in January.

As reported previously, the Ngargee Tree is located on land managed by ParksVic (PV). In late January, PV confirmed it was aware of a group of rough sleepers camping in near  Ngargee Tree in Albert Park. “We are working with the council and other agencies to manage the group and encourage them to move on from the area,” they said in a statement.

Meanwhile, for over nine weeks, PV has to warned volunteers who help maintain the vegetation and reflection pond near the tree to stay clear of the site.

Volunteers have told TWiSK that vegetation is being destroyed, rubbish accumulating and plants are dying. They warned that vegetation was tinder dry and that rubbish also added to the fire risk.

Police, ParksVic and City of Port Phillip are all aware of the situation.

Fire trucks on slipway adjacent to Ngargee Tree last week.

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Volunteers told to stay away